

Relationships - How do you feel about yours?

Social Media - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Texting, and on and on

Self Expectations - Do more, Do More, Do More 

Work - Finances,  is it enough?

Fears - Secrets - Hiding 

Life Transitions - moving, job change, grief, loss, who am I , where am I in life?

Start NOW!  Call me 614-570-7840

What You Can Expect From Me During your therapy experience:

Confidential private sessions - 50 minute session or 90 minute session

Reasonable fees - Aetna, Anthem and Medical Mutual accepted, all other insurance carriers are out of network - payment accepted, Cash, check or charge, HSA & Flexible Spending accounts
Timely appointments - Hours of operation - Monday Through Friday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Calls returned promptly, within the day to discuss your needs and consult on treatment goals and appointment scheduling

Therapy sessions should provide clients with new insights to thought processes and behaviors along with new methods for handling every day difficulties that can be utilized right away.  The process looks like the following:

1) Identify the core problem(s).
2) Develop together an individualized realistic treatment plan:
What are my goals?
What are my expectations?
How long will this take?
3) Offer proven techniques
4) Applicable information, guidance & support necessary to meet your goals.

Today you are one step closer to a new you where you feel empowered and on a positive path to growth and well-being.

If you would like to discuss your needs please give me a call at: 614-570-7840
or email at [email protected]


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Helpful Forms

Click here to view and print forms for your appointment

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